Why Email Marketing is So Important in Lead Nurturing to Professional Tradesmen

We generate leads from more sources today than ever before. So is that the good news or the bad news? The key isn’t necessarily in the number of leads, but the quality. So how do you determine and define them? At the end of the day, all anyone cares about is the sale, right?

Unfortunately all leads aren’t created equal. Depending on the market you’re in, 60-75% of all leads aren’t ready to buy! Note I didn’t say wouldn’t, but not ready. That’s why email is an effective and cost efficient way of moving contractors through the funnel.

There are several thing you as a manufacturer need to consider:

  • Some of your audience don’t know who you are.
  • Some may know who you are but have never done business with you.
  • If you’re introducing a new product that the industry has never had, there needs to be a learning curve in most cases before someone will try it.
  • If your product is similar to something others already make and has industry acceptance, you have a chance of someone trying yours.
  • For bigger, more complex sales, it takes longer to move the prospect through the sales funnel.

Let’s take an example of a contractor. I don’t care if he’s a general, plumbing, HVAC or landscaping contractor as their work lives pretty much run in parallel paths. If they are using day-to-day materials to do a job, they are more prone to try something from another manufacturer.

But if it’s a major piece of equipment like a diagnostic camera, snow plow or other major piece of equipment that they use on a regular basis, they need to consider options before buying. Now let’s consider a few things on a major piece of new equipment.

Chances are, if it’s a replacement for an existing piece that’s 5-7 years old or older, the technology probably has changed dramatically and they will need to go through several steps to get them far enough down the sales funnel to turn the lead over to sales.

Here are some steps he might take:

  • Collect info on your product as well as competitive ones
  • Review features and benefits
  • Read customer testimonials on how well your product works
  • Consider asking for a demo

So where in these steps do you think we should get the sales force involved? If you get them involved before the demo stage, you’re wasting their time. The first 3 steps can be handled via emails.

Remember, salesmen want the sale now and don’t have the patience to nurture the lead along. That’s why marketing should take the lead in identifying and taking them through the sales funnel before handing them off to sales, and email marketing is an ideal way to communicate with the contractor and professional tradesmen. Think about this. If we can hand off a lead that’s ready to buy, don’t you think the sales staff will start taking the marketing department seriously? One of my biggest challenges is to get sales and marketing to work together.

Does lead nurturing make sense to you? Would it surprise you to learn that up to 70% of companies don’t have lead nurturing processes in place. It amazes me that companies spend tons of money getting a lead and virtually nothing on nurturing it.

Here are some other posts you might find useful:

5 Tips on Improving Your Email Marketing to Professional Tradesmen

Email Marketing: How Are You Using it to Reach the Professional Tradesmen

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How Are You Reaching Your Targeted B-to-B Audiences?

I recently attended Content Marketing World in Columbus where I got a glimpse of the 2012 Channel Preference Study by Exact Target. The study gives insights to different channels – direct mail, email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Mobile Twitter and SMS.

What surprised me in this world of “Post PC Era” where mobile seems to be taking over the world, that the old standbys of direct mail and emails are still alive and well.

Email is by far the most acceptable due in part to the channel’s familiarity, flexibility and universality with 91% using it on a daily basis. The key to success today is audience segmentation, data-driven insights and relevant content.

Direct mail – in an online world, the fact that 65% of consumers have made purchases as a result of a direct mail piece validates the channel. Interestingly, direct mail is the only unsolicited message that isn’t viewed as inappropriate by consumers.

So from a B-to-B point of view, what are you doing to capitalize on these two channels?

Here are some tips:

  • Keep your message targeted and to the point.
  • Give them a solution to a problem and don’t necessarily try to sell them something.
  • Use a list that is focused. More is not necessarily better.
  • Make an offer clear.
  • Give them an easy way to respond.

Those are some suggestions from me. What are you doing to capitalize on these two channels?

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Email Marketing: How Are You Using it to Reach the Professional Tradesman?

Email marketing should be a major part of your traditional marketing communications plan. But do you have a plan on how you want to use it for maximum ROI? In the B-to-B world, even opt-in lists are only being opened on an average of 25%.

Today we’re all bombarded with emails and it’s estimated that the sheer volume will increase by up to 80% by 2013. So the challenge is how to stand out in this sea of emails and if you do get them to open it what’s next? Here are a few helpful suggestions you may want to consider:

  • Keep your mesage simple – and to the point of (what’s in it for me). Folks aren’t going to read long emails.
  • Give them a call to action – Use emails to “nudge” folks along. Link them to a website, video or coupon offer.
  • How do your prospects like to be contacted – Is it traditional email or mobile marketing? Most contractors are on the jobsite most of the day and rely on their smart phones to stay in touch.
  • Temper frequency of contacts – Yes they may love you, but they might not want to hear from you on a daily basis. Contact them when there’s something of value to share.

Those are a few hints that we use. Hope about you? What things do you do to make your email programs zing?


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Bolster Your Social Media Presence By Using Email Marketing

For those of you who follow me on a regular basis, you know that I don’t preach that social media will be the “holy grail” of marketing. It’s just one more marketing tool in your tool box.

For those of you who are using social, hopefully you are combining it with traditional things like email marketing to drive people to your social sites. I recently read an article in eMarketer.com, and in an April survey by eROI, an interactive and email marketing agency found that two-thirds were doing just that. A similar study done in June of this year by StrongMail, a provider of mail and social media solutions, put the number at 71% worldwide.

Objectives for Integrating Email and Social Media, Jun 2010 (% of business executives worldwide)

That’s good news. The vast majority is focusing on the basics, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They were also using the share button 63% to encourage people to share. In the ROI study, over 90% were utilizing Facebook as their favorite.

Social Media Sites/Tools Integrated into Email Campaigns, Apr 2010 (% of US marketers)

So what are you doing to harness the power of combining social media with traditional email marketing?


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