by tradesmeninsights | Nov 16, 2016 | Marketing Tips, Tradesmen Insights
By John Sonnhalter, Rainmaker Journeyman, Sonnhalter
When trying to gain new contractors, “the ready, fire, aim” mentality doesn’t work. Neither does “a wing and prayer” method.
Developing new customers is entirely different from trying to sell more stuff to your existing ones. Marketing needs to work closely with sales in not only developing a message, but a plan on delivering it. You also need to take into consideration that a lot of new contractors won’t identify themselves until they’ve done some homework on your company.
by tradesmeninsights | Sep 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
Today we have a guest post from Mark Mitchel of Whizard Strategy.
Building materials companies frequently only see the customer who is directly in front of their nose. They are laser focused on selling a builder, an architect, a facilities manager or even a homeowner.
In every one of these cases there is someone standing right behind them that you may not see. That person is the contractor. More specifically, it is the installing contractor.
Time and time again, I see building materials companies, with a great product, think they have a made a sale to their primary customer, only to lose the sale because of a contractor.
It’s easy to assume that contractors are working for your primary customer so they will do what the customer wants. That is frequently not the case.
Here’s Why Contractors Resist Change
- There is a shortage of labor so any good contractor is in demand and may turn work down or charge more, if it involves something new or different.
- Contractors see new ideas and products as change and change represents risk. It usually does not represent opportunity to them.
- Contractors can be very stubborn in their resistance to change. They and maybe even their Daddy has always used the same product and installed it the same way for years. Many of them also believe that buildings and homes are not built as well as they were in the past. To them, modern day construction practices and products are not necessarily better.
- New products mean the contractor will lose money. The contractor looks at a new product as having many places where they are going to lose money, for example:
- They aren’t sure how to estimate the project so they can underestimate it and lose money or they can over estimate it and lose the job.
- Their installers will have to be trained and the cost of that training will fall on them.
- Installers will take a longer time on the first few jobs, reducing the contractor’s income.
- There is a higher likelihood of a callback on the first few jobs, once again costing the contractor.
- Dealing with a new supplier is also time consuming, when he probably isn’t having a problem with his current supplier. (more…)
by tradesmeninsights | Feb 16, 2016 | Events/Trade Shows, Marketing Tips, Marketing Trends
By John Sonnhalter, Rainmaker Journeyman, Sonnhalter
I’ll be one of the guest speakers at the Whizard Summit in Boulder, Colorado in April. Mark Mitchell, CEO of Whizard Strategy, has put together a jam-packed, 2-day conference for manufacturers of building materials on ways to address issues with architects, builders and contractors.

Here is a taste of what you’ll learn step-by-step in this two-day event packed with insights and strategies you can use immediately to generate sales:
- Find out what builders REALLY want along with 3 simple ways to make sure you give it to them.
- The #1 reason architects keep ignoring you – and a simple shift you can make to get specified.
- The biggest challenge facing most contractors and a proven strategy that will make them WANT to do business with you.
- The secret to selling Commercial Building Facilities Managers and Design Build Contractors – an often-missed step that stops the sales process dead in its tracks.
- A growth blueprint you can share with lumber and specialty dealers that will make you a welcome visitor any time.
- How to take the intimidation out of “Big Box” selling and finally get your products and services the respect they deserve.
Guest speakers include building materials experts in market research, SEO, online content and video, marketing automation, builder and contractor sales.
To register, visit You’ll receive an additional $200 discount if you use the code “Sonnhalterclient” before March 1st.