Why You Should Use Email Marketing and Why it’s Still Important

Why You Should Use Email Marketing and Why it’s Still Important

By Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

When your company is focusing on a variety of marketing materials to advocate your brand and products, you might not think it’s necessary to add email marketing to the mix. But email marketing can be a part of your overall success and tie into your other promotional materials like social media, blogs and the latest news.

In this blog post, we will highlight the benefits of using email marketing and how it can improve your business.

Personalizing Content

Email marketing allows you to target content specifically toward your audience. For example, you could focus email marketing on specific products if the user expressed interest, for first time customers or based on location. By using a variety of different email subjects or different images, you can increase your engagement and/or sales.

Collecting Important Data

Not only can you collect leads to know your customers’ contact information, but you can utilize email marketing to send out surveys or receive feedback. By obtaining customer feedback, you can learn what products to promote, what your audience is interested in or how you can share tips, tricks and education.

Like previously mentioned, email marketing can help gather leads and keep track of who is engaging in your emails by opening or clicking on a link.

This information can help improve your customer experience and better understand who your audience is.

Generating Website Traffic

Email marketing allows you to drive your audience to your website to engage with your brand or products, as well as improve your SEO. Email marketing is a great way to provide your users with content, like blogs, videos and important updates, that link back to your site.


Email marketing is flexible and allows companies to complete their marketing goals depending on their needs. Using email marketing as part of your overall mix gives you the ability to grow and see your marketing impact.

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Understanding and Adjusting to Email Habits

By Rachel Kerstetter, PR Architect, Sonnhalter

How many email accounts do you have?

I have three. I’m not unlike others in my generation (the Millennial Generation) who maintain multiple email accounts. Each email address has a specific purpose and is used strategically.

  • Work. My work email address is just that, work. It’s the @sonnhalter.com email that colleagues, clients, media and partners reach me on. I check this email religiously on my phone and have it open during the work day on my computer. I only give this email address out for professional purposes.
  • Personal. This email address is the one I give to friends, family and anyone I do personal business with. I protect this email and am careful to whom I give the address. I check it most often on my phone and occasionally log into it from my personal laptop.
  • Other. This “other” email address is the one that we’ll dig into today. Most millennials have one of these and many in other generations have also adopted an “Other” email policy. Sometimes we call it our “junk email” or “promotions.” I give this email address out like candy on Halloween. If you ask me for an email address, this is the one I give you. This is the inbox that I check, but don’t regularly search. I almost never send emails from this address and only check it from my phone. This is the inbox where I subscribe to e-newsletters and promotional offers.

I was reading an article from Media Post titled “Millennials Love Email, But on Their Dual Inbox Terms,”  (more…)

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7 Things You Should Know When you Start Email Marketing

Today we have a guest post from Vincent Hill on email marketing.

Marketing is business activities that are highly associated with the buying and selling of a product or service. This includes activities that help acquire customers and maintain a good relationship with them. To achieve the goal, use several marketing tools. The marketing tools should be effective  to easily communicate with potential customers and existing supporters.

With the fast pacing technological innovations, digital marketing was introduced to further enhance the advertising, selling and delivering the products and services to people. One of the best and easiest approaches to digital marketing is the use of emails. Email marketing greatly helps in expanding and building the network. This approach allows one to share stories and start blogging to be able to enhance promotions and increase product awareness. Using this kind of approach may be challenging at first. But with proper guidance and correct knowledge on the things involve in email marketing, this marketing tool is a whole lot easier and exciting.

1. Choose type of campaigns you want to send


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