Double Your Marketing Effectiveness When Going After The Professional Tradesmen
Although everyone is focusing on social media, let’s not forget an old friend, e-mail marketing. Using social media as a partner, it will provide new avenues for engaging and sharing both current customers as well as prospects. Professional tradesmen are used to being contacted via e-mail, and more and more are getting into the social media arena. Let’s not let an opportunity go by to make your marketing message more impactful.
According to Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of a new report, Maximizing the E-mail/Social Media Connection, “Even though people are spending more time using social media, they are not abandoning e-mail.” According to Williamson, marketers must integrate efforts to maximize both social media and e-mail marketing. Here are 4 items for consideration:
- Multiply the sharing opportunities by linking e-mail messaging with social media messaging.
- Provide a broader platform for brand advocates; encourage the best customers to share with friends via social media.
- Shift the control to the consumer by providing multiple avenues to interact with a company.
- Use e-mail metrics such as response rate and conversions to enhance social ROI.
This trend seems to be already catching on according to a recent survey by StrongMail that stated 40% of business executives are already integrating these two and consider it one of their most important initiatives for 2010.
How are you planning on using these two marketing tools in your business?
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