Content Marketing: Key to Thought Leadership and Leads

Content is King for more than one reason. One of the reasons we want to put out good-quality content is to become the thought leader in our market segment.

Content like white papers, fact sheets, case histories and webinars are just a few examples and might be used at different stages of the sales funnel. Online content is the fuel for new leads in the B2B arena.

It stands to reason that if people see that you both identify problems/issues and address possible solutions, that you not only will accomplish the first goal, but they might even identify themselves as a possible new lead.

Top 3 Priorities for the Marketing Funnel According to US B2B Marketers, June 2011 (% of respondents)

A recent survey from MarketingSherpa was highlighted in a post in that highlighted the kind of content customers are looking for. Highlights include:

  • Why content marketing is essential to B2B leads.
  • How B2B buyers use content.
  • What type of content is best for generating leads.
  • How marketers can leverage content marketing formats.


Sonnhalter is partnering with Joe Pulizzi, a nationally-known content marketing expert and founder of the Content Marketing Institute, in hosting a webinar on the growing area of content marketing for B2B. This free, one-hour webinar will be Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. EST. Participants can click here to register for the “8 Content Initiatives You Need to Seriously Consider for 2012” webinar.

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B2B Marketers: Are You Taking Advantage of Online Videos?

Online media is the fastest growing media platform in history. Second only to Google, YouTube has emerged as an easy-to-use search tool.

As a manufacturer, are you capitalizing on this powerful tool to disperse your message? You don’t need a “Hollywood” production. As a matter of a fact, the ones done on a mobile phone would do just fine. We’ve done “man on the street” interviews with contractors at will-call counters and on jobsites asking their opinions on tools and other products.

Did you know – Videos convey more info per minute than any other media and 65% of the public like to learn via videos.

These were only a few of the facts that I learned from a recent post by Jon Miller from Marketo. His post, How to Optimize Your B2B Marketing and Sales with Online Video outlines how to use videos to engage prospects in different stages of the buying cycle.

According to a Universal McCann study cited by Brightcove, people find product information and research most compelling when delivered in video format. MarketingSherpa claims that online video is a close second to word-of-mouth communication when it comes to influencing key decisions. No other media channel communicates a deeper, richer message or leaves a more lasting impression than video.

He also offers 10 online video strategies you may find helpful. Here are some highlights:

  • Search optimize your video with a text summary – Use key words to highlight main points and make sure you include the URL.
  • Integrate video into your e-mail marketing programs – Deliver relevant info pertinent to who they are and where they are in the buying process.
  • Leverage social media – Promote across all marketing channels including your blog and both personal and business profiles.
  • Feature on you website – Embed videos where appropriate to promote products, company news or new product promotions.

What are you doing to capitalize on your videos?

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