Companies That Want to Reach the Professional Tradesmen Need Twitter

42-18391690Twitter isn’t just for the 20-somethings to follow or be followed. It’s fast becoming a business tool and B-to-B companies need to understand its benefits and start using it.

A friend of mine reminded me that contractors of all kinds have been using the pre-cursor of Twitter for many years – It’s called Nextel, their way of instantly staying connected. Professional tradesmen have had the need to stay connected for years and Twitter is just one more way they can accomplish that.

Here are some highlights of 5 that would have direct applications to manufacturers who want to reach the professional tradesmen:

  1. Foster customer loyalty. Companies can search tweets from their customers to see what questions or critiques they may have.
  2. Launch viral marketing campaigns. Encourage users to join you on Twitter in order to receive exclusive updates and new product news first.
  3. Enhance impact at trade shows. Offer exclusive content and insights from the trade show floor.
  4. Network with customers. Companies that tweet on a consistent basis tend to generate a larger audience on Twitter.
  5. Promote product and services. By simply writing a short message, they get the point across.


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Industrial Marketers: Key Tactics to Maximize SEO Results

seoIndustrial marketers are often more concerned with how their web site looks than how it will be found.  So you did a new site two years ago, included some key words and then put it on auto pilot. SEO is an important component to generate traffic to your site and shouldn’t be neglected, especially in this economy.

Search engines are continually changing and upgrading the ways spiders do their job. I read an article recently by Stephen Riegel. These are his four quick tips to increase your web site’s traffic:

  1. Eliminate navigation barriers. Spiders prefer easy-to-navigate sites.
  2. Create an XML sitemap that allows spiders to see what pages exist and how often you update them.
  3. Check your code. If spiders can’t understand it, they might miss important information.
  4. Check your title tags as they are among the most important elements of search engine algorithms.

Taking the time to review your sites for SEO is one of the most efficient investments of your time and budget that you can make.

To read Stephen Riegel’s article: Key tactics to maximize your SEO efforts


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