Here are some facts we can’t ignore: According to Hubspot, mobile devices will be the number-one way we access the Internet by 2013. Comscore just released a white paper that shows in the U.S. right now almost 7% of Internet traffic is coming from non-computer devices with mobile phones leading the way.
So it begs the question – is your website optimized for mobile users? I recently read an article by Jamie Turner in Social Media Examiner, 9 Tips for Optimizing Your Website for the Mobile Users that I thought was very helpful. Here are some highlights:
- KISS – keep it SIMPLE.
- Plan your site layout – keep pages to a minimum and the layout simple.
- Match branding elements – make sure mobile site looks like your regular site (look and feel).
- Avoid Flash and Java – Apple products don’t Flash and many phones don’t support Java.
- Reduce the amount of text entry – use dropdowns, checklists or prepopulated fields when possible.
- Use mobile redirects – make sure your site has the correct software so it can identify a mobile user and send them to that version of the site.
Have you made sure your website is mobile friendly?