Service Firms that Generate Online Leads Grow Faster
Leads no matter where they come from are an important part of starting the sales cycle. I’m used to dealing with Manufacturers who make stuff and are trying to sell it and I thought they would have better success identifying online leads than service companies. Evidently that’s not the case.
I recently read a post on the PRSA Newswire about a study that was just completed by Hinge Marketing on 500 service companies that used online leads as part of their lead generation strategy.
What was particularly interesting was that high growth firms got 64% of their leads online and grew 4 times faster than their counterparts. That’s an amazing stat and one that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Other highlights from the study include:
- The greater a company’s online generation, the greater the total firm’s profitability.
- 66% plan on spending more online next year as a result of this.
- 77% of firms that participated in the survey generated online leads.
- SEO, blogging and web analytics were considered the most effective online tools.
A copy of the study can be downloaded free.
So what kind of results are you getting from your online activity?