What are You Doing to Ensure Your Content is Being Read?
You may have some of the best content in the world, but if no one reads it, what’s the point? I recently read a post by Heidi Cohen, 13 Ways to Maximize Content Marketing Effectiveness that got me to thinking about getting back to the basics and making the effort of writing posts to pay off.
Here are some thoughts:
- Come up with a strong headline – we have less than 3 seconds to capture attention. Make your headline make the reader stop.
- Use images – a picture or graphic is worth its weight in gold. We are a visual society and the right image will help keep the reader on the page.
- Get to the point – now that you’ve captured their attention, dive into the meat of what you want to say at the beginning.
- You don’t have to have all the answers – link to relevant content. It reinforces the point that others share your point of view.
- Get them to react – we need to add a call-to-action or ask for comments to get the readers involved. If they share the same opinion on the subject, I’m sure they would have something to contribute to the conversation.
Those are my thoughts. I’d like to hear what you’re doing to get more readership.
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