Why Create Content Calendars?

Why Create Content Calendars?

By Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

In the fast-paced world of social media, staying organized and strategic is crucial for success. With countless platforms to manage, diverse content to create, and an ever-changing digital landscape to navigate, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed without a clear plan in place. A content calendar helps your content creation process, maximizing efficiency and driving results. In this blog, we’ll explore why you should create a content calendar and how it can benefit your business.


One of the most significant benefits of a social media calendar is that it helps you maintain consistency in your posting schedule. By mapping out your content in advance, you can plan out the type of content you’ll be posting to keep your audience engaged. Consistent posting helps you stay on top for your brand and plan for future posts.

Strategic Planning and Alignment

A content calendar enables you to take a strategic approach to your content by planning out product posts, holidays and messaging in advance. By aligning your social media efforts with your overall goals, you can ensure that your content supports your objectives and drives results. Additionally, having a visual overview of your content calendar allows you to identify gaps, overlaps and opportunities for optimization.

Efficiency and Time Management

Creating a social media calendar allows you to optimize your time more effectively. By having an idea of what you’re posting each month, you can work more efficiently and avoid last-minute scrambling. This will free up valuable time needed and allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Adaptability and Flexibility

While a social media calendar provides structure and guidance, it also allows for flexibility and adaptability in response to audience feedback or product delays. Having a planned content calendar doesn’t mean you’re locked into the schedule or unable to pivot when necessary. Instead, it provides a framework that allows you to adjust and iterate based on changing circumstances, ensuring that your content remains relevant and responsive to your audience’s needs and interests.

Improved Collaboration and Communication

For teams or individuals working collaboratively on social media content, a calendar serves as a central hub for planning coordination and communication. By sharing a common calendar, team members can stay aligned on upcoming initiatives, track progress and collaborate more effectively. This fosters a sense of accountability, transparency and teamwork, leading to smoother execution and better outcomes.

Creating a content calendar is a smart investment of time and can benefit your overall goals. From maintaining consistency and strategic planning to improving efficiency and collaboration, a well-crafted calendar can be a game-changer for your social media efforts. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to start planning and organizing a well-executed social media calendar.

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The Power of Using YouTube

The Power of Using YouTube

By Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

In today’s digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever and competition is fierce, companies must continually seek innovative ways to connect with their audience. YouTube is an online video platform and a powerhouse for content creators and businesses alike. In this blog, we’ll explore why companies should embrace YouTube in their marketing strategy and how harnessing the power of video can drive success.

Massive Reach and Global Audience

With over two billion logged-in monthly users, YouTube has a massive and diverse audience spanning the globe. By establishing a presence on YouTube, companies can tap into this vast audience pool and reach potential customers wherever they may be. Especially within the trades, where users are constantly searching for how-tos and information on products.

Engagement and Interaction

Unlike traditional forms of advertising, YouTube offers unparalleled opportunities for engagement and interaction with its audiences. Through likes, comments, shares and subscriptions, companies can foster meaningful connections with viewers, cultivate brand loyalty and spark conversations around their products or services. Additionally, features like live streaming enable real-time engagement, allowing companies to connect with their audience in more dynamic and authentic ways.

Visual Storytelling and Brand Building

Video is a powerful medium for storytelling, enabling companies to convey their brand message and values in a visually compelling way. Whether through product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes glimpses or customer testimonials, companies can leverage YouTube to build awareness, inform their customers and differentiate themselves from competitors.

SEO Benefits and Increased Visibility

As the second largest search engine in the world (after Google, its parent company), YouTube offers significant SEO benefits for companies looking to increase their online visibility. By optimizing video titles, descriptions, tags and thumbnails with relevant keywords, companies can improve their rankings in YouTube search results and attract more organic traffic to their channel.

YouTube represents a dynamic tool for companies looking to elevate their marketing efforts and connect with consumers in meaningful ways. By leveraging the platform’s massive reach, engagement opportunities, visual storytelling capabilities and SEO benefits, companies can expand their brand presence, drive sales, and build lasting relationships with their audience.

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Understanding Social Media Analytics

Understanding Social Media Analytics

By Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

Understanding the importance of social media analytics is key to unlocking maximum success for your business. Every like, share and comment helps companies to leverage their content and gain valuable insights to their audience, content performance and overall strategy. In this blog, we will dive into social media analytics and why they’re crucial for maximizing impact and achieving your goals.

Understanding Your Audience

Social media analytics provide you with audience demographics and behaviors that can aid you in content creation. By knowing metrics such as age, gender, location and interests, you can have a deeper understanding of who your audience is and what resonates with them. This information will allow you to tailor your content to better meet their needs, increase engagement and build stronger relationships with your community.

Evaluating Content Performance

Analyzing your social media performance and engagement is essential to maximizing your content with your audience. By examining metrics such as shares, comments, link clicks and likes, you can identify trends and patterns in your content performance. For example, you can see when the best posting times are for your business and what type of content performs the best, like products, behind-the-scenes or company news. Knowing these insights will help you to refine your content strategy, focus on what works best and optimize future posts.

Monitoring Brand Awareness

Brand reputation is everything in 2024, and social media analytics allow you to monitor your brand awareness or also commonly called brand sentiment. You can track mentions, tagging and comments of what people are saying about your company or products. By listening to what people are saying about your brand online, you can address any issues or concerns in a timely manner and foster a positive brand image.

Making Strategic Decisions

Ultimately, social media analytics empower you to make informed strategic decisions that drive results. Adjusting your content strategy allows you to make confident decisions that are backed by real evidence. This approach to social media development ensures that your company is constantly improving and staying ahead of the curve of the ever-changing social media platforms.

In conclusion, social media analytics are not just numbers on a screen – they are powerful tools for driving growth, engagement and success. By leveraging analytics to understand your audience, evaluate content performance, monitor brand awareness and inform strategic decision-making, you can unlock the full potential of your social media presence and achieve your goals. So, don’t overlook the importance of social media analytics – dive in, explore, and let the data guide your journey to success.

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Six Social Media Trends B2B Marketers Need to Know for 2024

Six Social Media Trends B2B Marketers Need to Know for 2024

Social media trends are always changing, especially year after year for B2B marketers. In a recent post from WTWH Media, they break down six social media trends that you need to know about for 2024. In this blog, we will be taking a look at each trend and why you might want to incorporate them into your 2024 strategy.

Trend One: SEO

SEO isn’t just for your website but can be used on your social media platforms as well. Google is always ranking and optimizing search results for users. Creating practical and helpful social media content can help to drive traffic to your account. Consider adding keywords to captions, descriptions and hashtags to your posts as leveraging SEO can lead to a 30-percent higher engagement rate.

Trend Two: Social Media Platforms

Over the years we’ve seen many social media platforms pop up, but this doesn’t mean your brand should join every social media app you see. When it comes to social media, brands should prioritize quality over quantity. Companies should focus their time and energy on platforms that resonate with their target audience.

Trend Three: AI

AI is here to stay in 2024! AI can help marketers brainstorm content ideas and provide support to save time while giving valuable insights. Several platforms have AI tools for marketers to use such as listening tools, AI-generated images, writing assistants and more! While AI can assist with ideas, marketers are still the brains and leaders when it comes to marketing.

Trend Four: Authenticity

While AI-generated content is spreading, it’s important to keep high-quality, human-led content at the top of your strategies. Right now, nonpromotional content is the number one type of content consumers don’t see enough of from companies. Think about the type of content you’re posting for your audience and think about what they might find valuable. Leaning into community engagement and nonpromotional content can build trust with your audience. Try showcasing employees, company events or even behind-the-scenes content to strengthen brand reputation.

Trend Five: Influencers

Influencers are for every company, especially within the trades! Many brands are having success with utilizing micro- and macro-influencers. When working with influencers, you can target your audience and showcase your products to them. Other influencers for your brand are your employees. Employees can provide trusted expert content and drive authentic engagement for your brand.

Trend Six: Video

The growth of video has skyrocketed, particularly short-form video content. This doesn’t mean you can’t use long-form video, and since social media keeps expanding their video length, we might see an increase in how long videos are. At the same time, the human attention span has shrunk to 8.25 seconds. If you’re not already, think about adding videos to your marketing mix for social media. Videos are a great way to capture the attention of your audience and provide valuable information they’re seeking.

If you’re not already using one of the ideas listed above in your 2024 plan, think about adding it! With the everchanging social media platforms, it’s important to stay on top of the game against your competitors. Check out the full article from WTWH Media to learn more.

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Why You Shouldn’t Turn Comments Off

Why You Shouldn’t Turn Comments Off

By Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

Social media is a valuable source for brands to hear feedback from customers, listen to concerns and engage with their followers. As a brand you might feel that turning off comments can help to prevent negativity, keep the focus on your product, save money from having to monitor comments and feel exclusive. But turning comments off on social media or ads is a bad business practice that should be avoided. In this blog, we will break down why you should keep your comments on.

Opens Conversations

Social media is a great place to listen to your customers and have open conversations about your brand and/or products. It also allows customers to engage with other customers about the products. We’ve seen comments before where one negative comment leads to multiple positive comments from other customers touting them on why they love the products. Allowing these open conversations lets your customers engage with each other or provide product concerns that need to be addressed.

If a customer has a negative experience with your product or service, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Or if they have a question about how to use it, wouldn’t you want to help them? Turning off comments would only lead to upset customers and never provide insights into any problems within your business.

Creative Ideas

By having open conversations on social media, it can develop ideas that your business can implement. If you see negative comments about a specific product, you could write a blog or press release on the item to debunk these comments and spread awareness on the item. Additionally, social media comments could lead to creative ideas of what you could do at a tradeshow, whether it be fun booth ideas, giveaways or a trades influencer who wants to meet up and learn more about your brand.

How to Handle Negative Feedback

Now that we have discussed why keeping the comments on is beneficial for your brand, let’s discuss how to handle any negative comments you might receive.

Make sure to reply to their comments! Most times, negative comments are coming from a bad experience, so ask “can you please email or message us with more detailing regarding your issue.” This will show other customers that you’re being attentive and taking note of any problems customers might have. Also, remember everything on the internet is public for everyone, so not responding or leaving an aggressive comment towards your customer would reflect badly on the company.

Another alternative to turning off comments that you shouldn’t do is deleting or hiding comments.  Hiding comments can weaken the trust between you and your followers and make you appear to be hiding something. Social media is meant to be conversational, so you should show your customers that you are receptive to both positive and negative feedback and want to encourage discussion. Check out our full blog post on “best practices for handling negative comments” to learn more.

Before you turn your comments off on social media or ads, think about the feedback you could be missing. Be open to having conversations with customers to see how you can improve any concerns that may need to be addressed.

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