The Power of Repurposing Content Across Platforms

The Power of Repurposing Content Across Platforms

By Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

In today’s digital landscape, content is crucial. From social media to blogs, podcasts to videos, businesses have an array of platforms at their disposal to engage with audiences and share their message. However, creating fresh, original content for each platform can be time-consuming. This is where the strategy of repurposing content across platforms comes in, enabling organizations to maximize reach, impact and content creation. Let’s explore why repurposing content across platforms is a great strategy for success in the digital age.


One of the primary benefits of repurposing content is its ability to extend your reach across multiple channels. By adapting a single piece of content for various platforms—such as turning a blog post into a series of social media posts or a video—you can reach audiences where they are most active and engaged. Whether it’s LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube or TikTok, repurposing content allows you to meet your audience on their preferred platforms, increasing visibility and driving traffic back to your website.

Optimize for Different Audiences

Different platforms cater to different audiences and consumption habits. What resonates on Instagram may not perform as well on LinkedIn, and vice versa. By repurposing content across platforms, you can tailor your message to fit the unique preferences for each audience. For example, you might condense a long-form blog post into social media posts or produce engaging videos for YouTube. By optimizing content for different formats and platforms, you can maximize engagement and resonate with your audiences.

Amplify Your Message

Repetition is key to effective communication. By repurposing content across platforms, you amplify your message and reinforce key themes and ideas. A social post about a new product launch can be followed up with an in-depth blog post and a behind-the-scenes video. Each piece of content builds upon the others, creating a cohesive narrative and reinforcing your brand. Repetition increases the likelihood that your audience will engage with and remember your content, leading to greater brand awareness and recognition over time.

Save Time and Resources

Creating high-quality content takes time, effort and resources. By repurposing existing content, you can maximize your value and save time in the content creation process. Rather than starting from scratch each time, repurposing allows you to leverage existing content and adapt them for different platforms and audiences. This ensures consistency in messaging and branding across channels and makes the content creation process more efficient.

Improve SEO

By repurposing content across platforms, you can improve your search visibility and drive organic traffic to your website or blog. Sharing snippets of content on social media with relevant keywords and hashtags can increase visibility and attract link clicks from users searching for related topics. By strategically repurposing content, you can enhance your SEO efforts and attract more qualified traffic to your website.

Repurposing content across platforms is a smart strategy for maximizing reach and optimizing resources. By adapting existing content for different audiences and channels, you can extend your reach and reinforce your brand. Embracing the power of repurposing can help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively in today’s digital landscape.

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Brand Differentiation is Critical. . .

Brand Differentiation is Critical. . .

In this guest post from our friends at Long & Short of It, they are dissecting the notion of your brand holding a certain identity that is different from most. They talk about six different reasons as to why your company should institute brand differentiation. I believe that they have a point to this, due to the fact that if your brand is the same as others, or is holding the same tendencies, you’ll end up blending in versus sticking out. Click here to read more from Long & Short of It. This guest blog follows below:

. . .especially in financial services.

Pretty much whatever you make, sell, provide can be copied. It may or may not be better. So why do your customers stick with you instead of jumping to the next best or cheaper version? It comes down to differentiation and brand loyalty.

Water for example. Who knew we needed Liquid Death? It’s water. In a can. But they tapped into (sorry for the pun – not really), the power of branding. Product differentiation is tough, but your brand is and always will be unique if you nurture it. Leverage that.

Let’s try something a bit more complicated like banking. In the world of banking, standing out from the competition can be challenging. With countless banks offering similar services, finding ways to differentiate yourself is crucial for success. Here are some strategies to set your bank apart:

Provide Exceptional Customer Service
In an industry where customer trust is paramount, providing exceptional service is a powerful differentiator. And it must be exceptional. Good or even great customer service is not enough – this is now a table stake. Provide your team with the training, support, and flexibility to develop meaningful relationships with your clients.

Specialize in Niche Markets
Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, focus on serving specific niche markets. Most banks provide very similar products to a wide variety of customers. To compete, most banks need to do that, but to differentiate your institution, find those one or two things that you can do better than anyone else. It could be a product or service such as treasury management or a segment such as students or small businesses. Tailoring your services to meet the unique needs of a niche market can help you attract loyal customers.

Offer Innovative Products and Services
Stay ahead of the competition by offering innovative products and services that address emerging customer needs. Whether it’s introducing new digital banking features, launching a rewards program, or partnering with fintech companies to offer cutting-edge financial solutions, or simply helping them understanding if bitcoin is right for their portfolio. Innovation can help you attract and retain customers.

Focus on Transparency and Trust
Building trust with your customers is essential in banking. You would think that this is a given for any financial services company. But I think it’s being ignored to the detriment of many banks and for those few who don’t take it for granted, it can truly help them differentiate. A Gallup survey on trust showed that only 26% of the U.S. would say they have a great deal/quite a lot of trust in banks. Small businesses were at the top at 65% and Congress was at the bottom at 8%. Shocker. Be transparent about your fees, terms, and policies, and strive to maintain open and honest communication with your customers. Don’t just assume your clients trust you. Actively develop and implement strategies on what your bank is doing to earn that trust every day.

Cultivate a Strong Brand Identity
A strong brand identity can help differentiate your bank from competitors and attract customers who resonate with your values and vision. Invest in branding initiatives that showcase your bank’s unique personality and highlight what sets you apart from others in the industry. Are your mission and vision statements truly unique or can you slap another bank’s name on them, and they would still work? If so, that’s an issue.

More importantly, what is your bank doing to ensure those statements are vibrantly followed through everything you do from hiring, servicing, and developing products? It’s the foundation of your culture. Does your bank truly care about its brand? Communicate it? Apply it consistently? Whether it’s through your policies, marketing campaigns, or community involvement, consistency in branding can help reinforce your bank’s identity and attract loyal customers.

Whether you are in the competitive landscape of banking, a small business, or quite frankly any industry, differentiation is key to success. By providing exceptional customer service, specializing, being innovative, focusing on transparency and trust, and cultivating a strong brand identity, you can set your bank or business apart from the competition and position yourself for long-term success.

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Mastering Social Media Timing: A Guide to Effective Posting

Mastering Social Media Timing: A Guide to Effective Posting

By: Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

In the dynamic world of social media, timing plays a pivotal role in the success of your posts. Whether you’re a business looking to engage customers or an individual aiming to grow your online presence, understanding when to post can make a significant difference in reaching your audience. While there’s no one solution, there are some general principles and strategies that can help you optimize your posting schedule across various platforms.

Know Your Audience

Before diving into posting times, take the time to understand your audience demographics and behavior. Does your audience work late and probably not on their phones until 5PM, or professionals who check social media during lunch breaks? Tailor your posting schedule to align with when your audience is most likely to be online.

Experiment and Analyze

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different posting times and content formats. Using analytics tools can help track the performance of your content and identify times that perform the best. Keep an eye on metrics such as likes, shares, and comments to see the effectiveness of your timing strategy.

Be Flexible

Social media trends and user behavior can change rapidly, so it’s essential to stay flexible in your approach. Keep an eye on industry trends, platform updates and changes in audience behavior, and be prepared to adjust your posting schedule as needed to stay relevant and maximize engagement.

Quality Over Quantity

While consistency is important, it’s equally crucial to prioritize the quality of your content over the frequency of your posts. Focus on creating valuable, engaging content that connects with your audience. Quality content can naturally attract more attention and engagement, regardless of the time it’s posted.

By understanding your audience, experimenting with different posting times and staying adaptable in your approach, you can optimize your posting schedule to maximize engagement and achieve your goals. Remember, there’s not one solution for everyone, so don’t be afraid to tweak your strategy based on data and feedback.

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The Future of Marketing

The Future of Marketing

By: Kylie Stanley, PR Technician

When you put hundreds of marketing professionals together, what do you get? Content Entrepreneur Expo (CEX)! CEX is the in-person event for serious content creators interested in building and growing their content-first businesses.

Throughout the two days of CEX, the conference was filled with education on topics from AI, understanding your audience and the digital landscape. This was my first ever CEX, and the conference was a learning experience. Even though I’m not a content creator, the information is still valuable to our field of study and recognizing trends that we might want to participate in. In this blog post, I’m going to recap some of the knowledge I learned from CEX and how it affects the future of marketing.


The big takeaway from the conference was AI! Almost all the speakers mentioned AI in some capacity. From all the speeches, AI took center stage, emphasizing its transformative impact on marketing strategies. AI has truly expanded over the last couple of years and now has many sites where you can get help with writing, video editing, podcasting and more. AI is no longer a distant concept but a substantial force reshaping the marketing world. AI can empower marketers to tailor their strategies for their audience and can drive growth and engagement. I thought it was very interesting to learn how we can have a relationship with AI to benefit our businesses and streamline our work. Since AI has truly grown over the last year, I’m sure we will see even more advancements by the end of the year.


Connecting with your audience in 2024 is crucial to driving results and building a strong relationship. In 2024, adapting to your audience needs is important in achieving your goals and gaining a platform. One of the key takeaways we learned was using an audience first mindset. This mindset focuses on building your strategy around your audience while leveraging key insights and metrics. Using this strategy can increase your added value and help you build trust with your audience instead of focusing on receiving attention.

Growing your Brand

Understanding where your brand is headed and the vision you’re trying to communicate is vital in creating goals to help grow your brand. First, look at all the platforms that your audience is on and how your brand can reach them. AI and connecting with your audience like I’ve mentioned before are two ways that can help grow your brand. At CEX, I learned that businesses for tomorrow are being built today, so we need to optimize our content. One way to optimize your content is using the repurposing pipeline. With all the different platforms like Instagram, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn and more, it’s important to repurpose your content to fit on every platform. Your audience could be different on each of these platforms, so getting the message out about your brand is important.

Attending CEX was a fun experience that exceeded my expectations. Despite not being a content creator myself, the knowledge shared at the event was valuable for understanding the evolving landscape of marketing. From how the role of AI is revolutionizing marketing strategies to audience centered approaches and growing your brand. I’m excited to take what I learned from the conference and apply them within my work.

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Mastering the Art of Strategic Planning

Mastering the Art of Strategic Planning

Following is a guest post from our friends over at Long & Short of It, masters of ideation, customer insights and market research. They like to say they “dig and find lots of data and then turn it into actionable insights.” Following is their guest post. 

A well-crafted strategic plan is the roadmap that guides your organization from its current state to its desired future. But how do you ensure your plan is robust, actionable, and aligned with your vision? The key lies in a skillfully executed strategic planning session or series of sessions.

Whether you’re developing a new plan or refreshing an existing one, these sessions provide a structured framework for bringing diverse perspectives together, fostering open dialogue, and creating a shared understanding of your organization’s objectives, strategies, and tactics.

Bringing in someone outside the organization to facilitate allows everyone to participate and it ensures the sessions run smoothly, on time, and accomplish the goal of creating a plan. No side tracking here.

Whether you bring in someone or go it alone, here’s a step-by-step guide to mastering the art of strategic planning:

1. Define Your Objective

Begin by clearly articulating what you want to achieve. Is it increasing market share, launching a new product line, or expanding into untapped territories? This objective will serve as the North Star, guiding every subsequent discussion and decision. 

2. Gather Insights

Make sure the team has a deep understanding of the organization’s current state. This may involve analyzing financial performance, studying customer data, and evaluating the competitive landscape. These insights will inform the strategies and tactics.

3. Develop Strategies

With your objective and insights in hand, it’s time to map out your strategies – the “how” of achieving your goal. Craft broad yet clear strategies, each with a line of sight to the desired outcome.

4. Break It Down Into Tactics

Once your strategies are defined, break them down into actionable tactics. These are the tangible steps that will bring your plan to life, complete with assigned owners, timelines, and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs).

5. Align and Commit

Throughout the sessions, ensure everyone is on the same page, addressing any misalignments or concerns. By the end, your team should be fully committed to the plan, with a shared understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

6. Plan for Execution

But the plan isn’t complete without a clear plan for execution. Establish regular check-ins, accountability measures, and a process for monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments.

The true value of these strategic planning sessions lies in their ability to bring diverse perspectives together, foster open dialogue, and create a sense of ownership and buy-in from everyone involved.

So, gather your team, roll up your sleeves, and contact us to facilitate this transformative journey. With a well-crafted strategic plan in hand, you’ll be equipped to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and propel your organization towards its vision of success. Let’s do this!

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