Recently, our President, Matt Sonnhalter, was part of a webinar and he’d like to share some highlights of what’s to come in regards to mobile. Enjoy.
I was recently a co-presenter for a B2B Mobile Marketing webinar sponsored by CFE Media. During the course of my research and prep for this webinar, I was overwhelmed by some of the mobile stats I came across…here are just a few:
– Mobile will be the “first screen” for all Web usage sometime between 2013-2015 (Gartner/Morgan Stanley) – which means mobile devices will finally overtake PCs
– 5.3 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide (ITU) – more than the combined penetration of PCs, landlines and TVs
– 50% of American adults own a smartphone as of February 2012 (CTIA)
– 29% of US adults own a tablet/eReader as of January 2012 (Pew Research Center)
There also continues to be tremendous growth in pretty much all aspects of mobile marketing tactics:
– Revenues from mobile apps will reach $46B by 2016 (ABI Research)
– Mobile video views increased 958% from Q2 2011 to Q1 2012 (Millennial Media Study)
– 20 million QR code scans were recorded alone in Q3 2011 – a 440% increases year-over-year (ScanLife)
– Almost 40 million US mobile users access social media sites daily (comScore)
So why is mobile relevant for B2B marketers trying to reach the professional tradesmen? Smartphones are an integral part of today’s professional tradesman toolbox. These guys are always “on the go;” on the job site and in the field…they need to be able to access information whenever and from wherever they want…these guys are not sitting behind a desk in front of a computer screen. And I’ve got news for you; if your company has a website…you are already playing in the mobile space! So how can you make sure your brand/company is represented well? Here are two simple steps to help get you started with mobile marketing:
1) Optimize for Mobile – make sure all of your Web content is “optimized” for the mobile environment; look-and-feel for smaller size requirements (e.g. easy to read text; no Flash; images that load quickly); but you also have to make sure your content is transformed into: quick answers, bite-sized units (e.g. 100-200 words) and easy-to-digest formats (e.g. audio podcasts and/or video)
2) Integrate – before you run out and develop a completely separate mobile marketing strategy and plan, take a look at your existing marketing programs and determine how you can start integrating mobile components; such as QR codes on print or collateral pieces or optimized e-newsletters so they are legible on mobile devices
I think it is fair to say that “mobile” is certainly here to stay, so make sure it is part of your overall marketing program moving forward.
Click image below to access the archived webinar.
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