Hispanic Contractors: What Are You Doing to Reach Them Online?

by | Jun 24, 2010

Although this market segment is rated low, currently the projections for the next five years shows exceptional growth. According to a study by eMarketer 70% of Hispanic population will be online by 2014.

This online population is young and thriving according to a new report, Hispanics Online: Demographics and Media Usage, and are very active online.

US Hispanic Internet Users and Penetration , 2009-2014 (millions  and % of Hispanic population)

What does this mean for those of us who want to sell them stuff? It means there is a great opportunity for us to communicate to these contractors online. The majority of online Hispanics are native born and speak English proficiently, but they take notice when marketers’ Spanish-language efforts are lacking.

According to a survey from Opinion Research Corporation in March 2010, Hispanics were more likely to respond to e-mail or banner ads than their White or African-American counterparts.

US Internet Users Who Are Likely to Read and Take Action After  Receiving E-Mail Offers, by Race/Ethnicity, March 2010 (% of  respondents)

To be successful in this space, marketers must move beyond the perceived language barrier and make a commitment to reach them. There are trade magazines that reach out to the Hispanic contractors, but they are given out primarily at distribution points and manufacturers don’t know who they are. Social media lets them identify themselves to you.

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