Do B-to-B Companies Have An “Online Advantage”

by | Jan 6, 2010

When it comes to online issues as they revolve around the B-to-B community, it’s mostly assumed that we are lagging behind. That may be true in some cases and we may not be using the latest widgets, but for the most part those that have embraced online activities do a pretty good job at it. Because some of the products our clients sell have a long selling cycle, means they have plenty of time to build and nurture a relationship. B-to-B marketers are utilizing the basics, Web sites, search, newsletters and now social to continue to build their brand and sell products.

Why B2B Companies Have a Distinct Advantage Online


I’m not alone in this theory. Valeria Maltoni in a recent post, Why BtoB Companies Have A Distinct Advantage Online, outlines opportunities for the B-to-B world. That includes the case for customer communities and ways to go from conversations to conversions. It’s an interesting read and gives hope to all of us in the B-to-B world that we’re doing something right.

I’d like to hear what you think on this issue.


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