Social Media: Are You Ready?
Everyone by now knows that social media is not going away. I believe most companies, no matter what their size, have accepted that fact and have jumped in in some fashion. But you can’t build a social business or any other one without a plan.
I recently read a post by Michael Brito in Social Media Examiner called, The 3 Pillars of Social Media Readiness that I thought hit home on the points all of us are facing as we move through the social media maze. Here are some highlights of Michaels article where focuses on 3 key areas we need to look at:
- People – Get internal teams to communicate with each other. It’s important that the left hand knows what the right hand is doing.
- Governance – You need processes in place to manage the chaos which include guidelines and policies.
- Technology – Invest in platforms that facilitate internal collaboration.
Conversations are going on.
A study in 2009 found that 85% of Americans using social media think companies should have an active presence. Of the 85% who answered the question:
- 34% want companies to actively interact with them
- 51% want companies to interact with them as needed or by request
- 8% thinks companies should be passively involved
- 7% thinks companies shouldn’t be involved at all
So are you following these 3 easy steps, or do you have some of your own that you’d like to share?