Use Twitter in Customer Service to Take Care of Problems in the Field for Professional Tradesmen

d0d3d30c-e678-42d6-991e-d5dbce607b57twitter300I’m sure we all have stories of customer service experiences both good and bad. I’d bet you’ve had more bad than good experiences though. For manufacturers who sell to the professional tradesmen, these are even more challenging. Think about it for a minute, when do these guys have questions/problems? Usually it’s on a job site or out in the shop where they may or may not have access to a computer. If they do call, they may be on hold for what seems like an eternity and still not get an answer to their question.

You need to think outside the box. Twitter is an ideal tool to service your customers. Customer service departments are supposed to solve problems, reinforce a positive brand experience and not cost you an arm and leg to support.

  • While phone calls may solve the problem, wait times do not. Twitter is almost instantaneous and can help solve most problems quickly.
  • Brand experience. Great customer service gets talked about and can lead to more sales.
  • Economical. Using Twitter often takes less time thus saving money.

Once you have an understanding of how Twitter can work, you can also easily track and monitor what people are saying about your brand.

Tweetbeep-Keeps track of contractor conversations that mention you.

Monitter-Lets you monitor the Twitter world for a set of key words and watches what people are saying about you.

Let contractors know how to know you’re there. Ask users to follow you on Twitter. Place a button on your web site in the customer service section so they know they can contact you in another manner.

Respond quickly and transparently. When you find a tradesman complaining about an issue, @reply them asking if you can help. If the problem is sensitive or the customer is highly upset, you can either direct a message to them or give them a quick way to contact you directly (direct line or your email).

Be engaged in the conversations. Twitter is a conversational platform. Contractors like to talk. This is an opportunity to build your brand.

Be authentic. Contractors are no dummies and if you try to pull the wool over their eyes, it will come back to bite you.

Twitter and social media are helping the way customer service is done. Think outside the box. Wouldn’t you want to be the first in your line of work to offer this as an optional customer service tool?


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