Why Manufacturers Should Use Blogs as a Brand Building Tool to Reach the Professional Tradesmen
Manufacturers are missing an opportunity to build brand awareness and thought leadership if they don’t consider using a blog as part of their marketing mix. Contractors, plant engineers and maintenance workers are looking at ways to solve problems and learn quick tips on how to do their jobs better.
In a recent post on eMarketer, Bloggers and (personal) brand building, they cited a poll done by Technorati on the state of the blogosphere 2009 that showed that:
- Over 70% of those polled talked about products or brands on their blog.
- Nearly 60% said they were better known in their industry because of their blog.
- 63% had converted prospects to customers.
- 56% have seen their blog bring their company recognition as a thought leader.
So why aren’t you considering a blog for your business to reach your audience?