Strategic or Tactical, which is more important? It takes both to ensure a comprehensive marketing program. Most of us have no problem doing tactics since we can list the tasks and check them off.
Strategic thinking is another matter. It really sets the tone from which the tactics are identified and then implemented.
Jason Falls from Social Media Explorer summed it up very simply on what the difference is.
Strategic thinking identifies who we are or who we want to be. What do we stand for?
Tactical identifies those things (what we do) in order to support our strategic thinking.
My biggest challenge is that I always tend to fall back on tactics because I can, in my own mind think that by checking off tasks, I’m accomplishing something. I guess I am, but it’s short-term.
The best way for me to make sense of both of them is that strategic is long-term and tactics are more short-term.
Do you have the same struggle with strategies like I do ?
I know we need both and we can’t have meaningful tactics until we have a strategy.