When planning events, you must not lose sight that your brand needs to shine brightly. This is especially true when you’re doing an annual event. We all have our checklists of what was done last year and you repeat it again this year. While details and checklists are important, the how, when and where can make a difference on how the event is perceived. The unexpected can work too in your favor. You don’t have to reinvent the event, just add an unexpected sizzle to it.
Events give us a unique opportunity to be face-to-face with the targeted audience, and in today’s world, it’s becoming a rare thing. Whether you’re doing a major press event, hosting a distributor round table or doing a key customer appreciation event, you have the opportunity to really shine and make an impression. Don’t miss the opportunity.
Here are some things to consider:
- Don’t be predictable – Do something different to make the event memorable. It doesn’t have to be something crazy. It could be something as simple as a nice gift for them to remember the event by.
- Treat people like you were hosting them at your home – Great hosts make sure that their guests are well taken care of. One-on-one time from your key executives are crucial to the experience. Leave your smartphone someplace else and focus on building relationships face-to-face. Think about when the last time was you were able to spend quality time with these key individuals. More importantly, when will you have the opportunity to do it again?
- Personal follow-up – When was the last time you went to an event and after got a personal note from your host thanking them for participating?
Events are not to be wasted and should be considered a rare opportunity for a face-to-face with key people. Make your brand shine!