We all are getting into social media in some fashion. Some more active than others, but how are we doing and what do we think of this new media?
Penton Media just released a B-to-B Marketing study called, Truth from the Trenches that surveyed 3,000-plus folks like us.
What they found is very interesting. The study drives home some alarming points on how many of us are less than satisfied with the performance of our website, social, search marketing and sales conversion efforts. Here are a few of the highlights I found interesting:
- 81% of B2B marketers find online marketing moderately to extremely challenging.
- 77% said their websites are not effective at generating leads.
- 63% of them are either vaguely aware or not aware of what is being said about them online.
- 35% don’t think social media is critical for their business.
On the positive side:
- 60% have implemented a social media strategy or will in the next year.
- 90% are active on Facebook.
- 53% are active on Twitter.
So what do you think? Any of these hit home?