If you do a blog, you know what kind of time commitment you have in order to keep those posts coming out on a regular basis.
There’s no reason you have to be the originator of all the content. Beyond having other associates within your firm write about their areas of expertise, you should consider getting some outside perspectives. As long as you set the parameters and let them know your objectives and target audiences, there should be no problems. Here are some reasons why you should consider them:
- Areas of expertise – Let’s face it, we al know something about everything, but it’s impossible to be an expert in everything. So why not ask the experts to contribute their thoughts.
- Different perspective – Even if you are an expert in the field, it’s good to get another point of view for your readers.
- Attract new readers – Guest bloggers have their own audiences, and by making sure you use their names in the keyword tags, they will attract new eyes to your site. Hopefully the guest blogger will promote it to their current followers.
- Reduces your content creation – Let’s face it, we all could use a break from the daily grind, so it’s a win-win for everyone.
Those are some reasons why I ask experts on the field to contribute. What are your reasons?