Most of us spend a considerable amount of time online. Did you realize that almost half that time is spent with published content?
Over 27 million pieces of content are shared everyday according to AOL/Nielsen research. Most of the content is shared with family, friends and business associates. E-mail and social networking sites are the two most popular ways of sharing.
I recently read a post by Heidi Cohen that outlines 8 Tips to Share Content via Social Media and Email that’s worth the read. She explains that when it comes to sharing information, it’s critical to establish your organization as a trusted source so you can build relationships. Here are a few tips I like:
- Create attention-getting headlines.
- Share content your target audience wants to read.
- Integrate a call to action to engage readers and hopefully they in turn will share.
- Facilitate social sharing by giving readers options of ways to share.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to share good content that’s already been published. You can enlighten the world and build credibility at the same time.