Thought leadership starts with establishing a point of view.
I would imagine that most of us would like to be considered a thought leader in our respective business categories. A thought leader gains credibility with the market and over time becomes a trusted source.
The key word is over time as this is a long-term commitment on your part. If you’re going to make that kind of commitment, you need to have a plan. GlobalSpec has a good white paper, How to Become a Thought Leader in the Online Era, that’s worth reading.
Here are some highlights:
- What is your company’s position on how the industry you’re in is changing?
- What kind of challenges will your customers be facing?
- How are you addressing these issues that will affect the industry?
- What kinds of innovations are coming down the road that might impact the industry?
- What differentiates your company from the pack?
You need to draw a line in the sand and make a statement. If you start by answering the questions above, it will get you going down the right path. Once you have a point of view, it’s important to communicate that through your existing marketing and PR efforts, both traditional as well as social.
I’d like to hear what you’re doing to become a thought leader in your industry.