Businesses are getting more comfortable with social media and are continuing to integrate it into their overall marketing programs.
I recently read an article in Social Media Examiner, 8 Social Media Trends Impacting Businesses that I thought made some good points. The article highlighted a recent study done by SmartBrief and Summus Limited to over 6,000 readers across a variety of industries. Here are some brief highlights:
- Companies are still new to social media – Most companies (66%) have adopted social media within the last 18 months.
- Businesses focus on the BIG 5 – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogs are where people spend most of their efforts.
- 2-year confidence mark – How long it takes most companies to gain confidence in their social media activity.
- Companies are broadcasting vs. connecting – Brand building is their primary purpose. Many companies are missing opportunities to build stronger relationships by listening instead of talking.
- Businesses turn internally for sources for social media support – Not surprising. They know the company, its products/services better than anyone.
- Social media obstacles – Lack of management support and confidentiality are the two biggest stumbling blocks.
- Lack of measurement – Less than 15% are measuring ROI. They are struggling with what to measure, how to measure it and how to interpret the data.
- Companies lack confidence in their social media strategy – Less than 15% of companies surveyed describe their strategies as “very effective.”
The good news is businesses are moving forward. What are some challenges your company is facing regarding implementation of a social media program?
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