Habitat for Humanity does great work in local communities to help improve both individual’s lives as well as the community in general.
Sonnhalter Habitat for Humanity Tool Drive
Sonnhalter’s major focus is on manufacturers who make things for contractors, we thought it would be a good idea to help support our local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, so we’re having a tool drive in the month of August to try to raise money, and more importantly, to gather tools (both new and used) to help in their building efforts, as well as to support them through their retail stores. If you’d like to join us in our efforts, please contact Anastasia Duller from Sonnhalter at 440.234.1812 x130 or
[email protected], or visit
www.Sonnhalter.com/ToolDrive for more information.
Or if you’re interested in finding a local chapter so you too can help out in your area, click
Thanks in advance for your support!