This should not be news to anyone in the Industrial or B-to-B space. We have always been lagging when it comes to new technology. When the web started in the early 90s, we were some of the last to jump on board. So it should be understandable that we lag our B-to-C counterparts according to a recent article in on a survey by White Horse.
Here are some interesting observations:
- 33% of B-to-B marketers said there was low executive interest/buy in.
- 25% said they have to learn more about social media to justify an investment.
- 46% of B-to-B marketers said social media was perceived as irrelevant to their company.
What does this mean to folks like us that have realized that social can play an important part in our long-term strategy to become the thought leaders in our category? It means we’re winning! Our competitors will finally “get it” and jump in. But if you’ve done your job correctly, you will have already established relationships and will be well ahead of them.
Let’s hope your competitors are real slow adapters!
Here are some related posts that might help you get ahead of your competitors:
10 Engagement Tactics That Will Help B-to-B Marketers
Social Media: Here’s a Manufacturer That’s Getting it Right
Social Media: 4 Signs Your Tradesmen Want to Hear From You.
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