With more B-to-B marketers jumping on the social media bandwagon, some are so focused on the content that they sometimes ignore the metrics to see if what they are writing is being read, and more importantly, acted upon. Analytics are a crucial component to successfully generating traffic to your blog,Web site and inbound new business leads. But for many manufacturers, best practices for using analytics isn’t understood at all.
The tools are available and be sure to use them. A good resource is the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Their IAB SmartBrief is one of the daily e-mail newsletters that I receive. It always has helpful information, “what you need to know,” about analytic practices, trends and research pertinent to your company.
Here’s a sampling of some of the latest articles from IAB Smart Brief newsletter:
- Next-gen marketers need digital skills. Young people may seem like social media mavens, and employers may expect them to be, but students need to learn how to exploit digital tools.
- Survey: The many frustrations of analytics. Marketers report a host of problems in trying to manage, verify and integrate the flood of Web data.
- What you pay for, when you pay for analytics. What Google analytics cannot tell you. There are limits to what you can learn from free analytic tools.
- The “coming revolution” in analytics, are you ready? Analytics consultant Eric T. Peterson says, “From where I sit, we have seen more changes in the last 24 months than we had in the entire 12 years previous (my tenure in the sector) combined.”
Click Here to sign up for the IAB SmartBrief.