Eye Tracking Study Reveals Insights Into How Professional Tradesmen Look at Electronic Media

by | Jun 4, 2009


When you’re learning blogging 101 and if you have a good instructor, they’ll keep pounding in some basic points to make your blog more effective and ultimately read. It’s nice to see that studies substantiate some of these key findings, and what’s even more surprising are some of the other findings that I never would have thought of. One such study from Eyetrack III, Summary of their tracking new sites, reveals several findings of interest. Here are 7 that caught my eye:

  1. Your headline must grab attention in 1 second
  2. Headlines draw eyes before pictures
  3. People scan the first few words of a headline
  4. People scan the left side of a list of headlines
  5. Introductory paragraphs enjoy high readership
  6. Shorter paragraphs encourage reading
  7. Smaller type promotes closer reading


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