5 Tips for B-to-B Marketers To Get the Most from Twitter

by | May 15, 2009

john twitterBusiness marketers trying to reach professional tradesmen can’t seem to warm up to a 140-character message as an impactful way to reach their targets.

Twitter has become a very powerful tool especially if you use some of their tools like Twitter Search which allows you to identify key words and phrases so you can follow and start a conversation with them. You can even monitor your company or product names and see what they are saying about you!

Twitter is a great tool for starting an opinion poll or directing folks to things they are tweeting about. It has been used by marketers at trade shows to create “BUZZ” on the floor: Stop at booth XXX and see their new left handed widget for plumbers.

In a post by Chris Brogan, 50 ideas on using Twitter for business, he outlines steps and hints on how to get the most out of Twitter in your business surroundings. Here are the top 5 tips that will help B-to-B Marketers to get the most from Twitter:

  1. Instead of answering a question “what are you doing?” answer the question “what has your attention?”
  2. Have multiple twitters at the company. People take vacations, quit, get on special projects. You need to keep the content going, it has to be good and it’s nice to have a different point of view.
  3. When promoting a post, give them a hint of what’s coming next.
  4. Tweet about other people’s stuff – it makes you look human and not always talking business.
  5. When you do talk business, make it useful. Give them a tip or advice that would make their life better.

What are your thoughts on using Twittersearch?


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