Content Marketing Research for Manufacturing

by | Mar 6, 2020

A recent study published by The Content Marketing Institute identifies issues that manufacturing content marketers are facing. The B-to-B sector has always been known to be slightly behind the curve when compared to consumer goods, but the manufacturing side is even farther behind. The good news is that this sector is willing to try things, and this study shows that they are now identifying things that work and are focusing on improving them.

One thing that definitely needs improving: too many manufacturing organizations are still talking about themselves instead of prioritizing their audience’s informational needs. While 51% of manufacturers regularly prioritize audience information needs, this number is quite a bit lower than the 73% of B2B North America content marketers who do.

So, how can manufacturing marketers reverse this?

Start with a strategy. Define your audience and get to know their needs. According to Content Marketing Institute research, only 21% of manufacturing marketers have a documented content marketing strategy.


It can be hard work to get everyone in the organization focused on the audience’s needs, rather than their own sales message. One of the first steps is to conduct research to really understand the people within your audience segments. Other techniques manufacturers are using to reach their target audience:

  1. Sales team feedback
  2. Website analytics
  3. Keyword research
  4. Social media listening
  5. Secondary research
  6. Database analysis
  7. Primary research
  8. Customer conversations and panels

There will always be unique challenges that manufacturing content marketers face. Content Marketing Institute’s research exposed several challenges, the top challenge being the ability to create content that appeals to multi-level roles within the target audiences.

How do these results stack up with what you’re doing?

As a side note, this fall, Content Marketing World will have a whole day focused on the manufacturing sector and it’s worth attending. Great speakers and ideas.

Want to read more on the topic?

New Research Shows How Manufacturers are Using Content Marketing to Build Audiences

5 Ways to Engage Professional Tradesmen Use Content Marketing

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