By Rachel Kerstetter, Public Relations Architect, Sonnhalter
If your content marketing program includes a blog, you’ve felt the pressure to produce a lot of content. Blogs are hungry little monsters that need a steady stream of new information to be effective.
But never fear! It is possible to feed the content beast and not lose a finger in the process.
The first step is to identify the food groups you can use. This feeding the beast analogy is not my own and you may have encountered it before. Jason Miller of LinkedIn has shared a ton of great Content Marketing tips over the years; this chart below is actually hanging on my wall.
It’s from a presentation that Miller has on SlideShare. Often, we get caught in one or two of the food groups and forget about content options within the others. The goal is to spread out the types of content and feed your beast a balanced diet.
Beyond the categories of content, also look at the way that you build content. Mix it up a little by incorporating list-style posts (listicles), infographics, videos and more with your more long-form content.
Blogging doesn’t always come easy in the B2T space and it can be tough to build that content, but I’m sure your organization has it.