Today we have a post from Rachel Kerstetter, Sonnhalter’s PR Engineer.
I have noticed in some companies that internal communication is not made a priority. External communication in the form of advertising and marketing seem to be pretty important though.
Here’s the problem: Within a company, if you can’t communicate internally enough to get everyone on the same page, how exactly do you expect to communicate with anyone else?
One of my mentors once told me that internal communications is definitely “public relations,” because a company’s employees are its most important audience.
Think about it: Would you want to hear news about your company from a source outside of your company?
If a friend comes to you and says, “Hey, I heard your company just started Initiative X,” but you have no idea what they’re talking about, it’s embarrassing to you and your company. Internal communication is really very simple, talk to each other. Clue your employees in and let them know what you’re doing. Word-of-mouth recommendations are incredibly valuable and have to be earned through solid communication. We live in an age where we look at online reviews before purchasing a pair of flip flops, so if your staff knows what your company is doing, they can be an excellent resource for recommendations.
I know that my answer to the question: How’s work going? is a lot more interesting when I know about new things happening at Sonnhalter.
Internal communication is also important if you’re hiring outside help… for example, an agency.
There’s a reason for a reporting structure, even for outside help. It saves you not only hassle, but also money, if everyone on your team is on the same page, because your outside help won’t have to decipher what your messages and goals are.