If you’re an old-time marketer like me, there’s been lots of changes over the past several years as to the alternative ways to reach your targeted audiences. So what do you do so you don’t go the way of the dinosaurs?
I recently read an article in CCO Magazine where they interviewed Brian Kardon, the CMO of Lattice Engines. The interview focused on the making of a modern CMO and what he had to do in order to adjust and thrive in his new environment. Here are some good points he brought up that might help us all:
- Get out of your comfort zone – Look at alternative ways to communicate with your potentials. Keep an open mind.
- There is no substitute for doing – Jump in and get your hands dirty. The best way of understanding something is by trying it.
- Learn from the best – Identify people who are out in front. Those that are risk takers and their passion is contagious.
- Don’t fear mistakes – Consider them chances to learn.
- Partner with specialists – With all the alternatives out there, hire folks that are good at what they do and then let them do it.
- Don’t look back – The things that were successful in the past may not be the best option moving forward.
So I think we can all learn from these pointers if we keep an open mind. I’m finally getting comfortable with most of the new digital and social options available. What I’m not afraid of is asking questions and trying things out. What I found out is I can’t break things like Twitter or SlideShare.
What kinds of challenges are you facing with all these new options?