For those of us who write blogs, we do it with the sole purpose of sharing insights and tips that hopefully make your job easier. Our biggest challenge once the killer content is written is to make sure as many eyes as possible see it. Professional tradesmen are always on the go, and I want to make sure they get what they want in short concise bits of information.
It’s true optimization is usually associated with search, but you can insure that your content performs well on social media platforms. I recently read a post by Heidi Cohen, 11 Tactics to Optimize Your Blog that I found very interesting and wanted to share some of the points she makes:
- Focus on just a few keyword phrases – prioritize them by the words you want to cover.
- Create great headlines – you need to catch their attention so they stop and smell the roses.
- Use good photos/graphics – It’s true a picture is worth a thousand words and it attracts readers.
- Make your posts easy to read – use headings and bullet points. It also helps search engines.
- Make content spreadable – RSS feeds, emails or social media.
Those are some thoughts. Care to add to the list?