For those of you who have blogs, this will be of interest to you. We all (sometimes) are pressed for time and after writing and spell checking a post, we put it up there with the appropriate key words and let it fly.
I was reminded recently by a post by Heidi Cohen that we may be overlooking some ways to get that little extra out of each post. Her post, Does Your Content Marketing Contain These 12 Must-Have Components? had some good points we all should be using. Here are highlights of the top points that got my attention:
- Share this button – Makes sense to give your readers easy access to share your info. I normally add them at the end, but she suggests addding them up front. Good idea.
- Join email list – Seems like a “no brainer,” but if readers like what they see, they probably will want more. Give them a reason to sign up.
- RSS feed – Just another option for readers to follow you easily. It’s easy to install .
- Contact us functionality – If someone has the need to get a hold of you, give them an email address or phone number to call.
- Provide search on your site – Since your content may cause readers to want to find out more or may not answer all of their questions, allow them to seek more information.
- Supply links to related content – This is often not done. If you’ve written other posts that are relevant, why not have them at the bottom of the post for people to link to? Makes sense and it helps to keep them on your site while building your thought leadership.
These are just a few tips along with a good call to action that will help you get extra mileage out of each post. What are some things you’re doing to bolster readership?
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