Do You Put the Cart Before the Horse in Your Social Media Strategy?

by | Aug 9, 2011

I still am amazed that marketing executives, especially in larger companies (80% 0f companies with 100 plus employees), acknowledge that social media is a legit marketing tool, but yet fail to take the time to develop a strategy for it.

It’s like ready, fire, aim!

Priority of Social Media Business Strategy for Their Company According to US Executives*, by Size of Business, May 2011 (% of respondents)

A recent post in, Executives Fail to Focus on Social Media Marketing Strategy, quotes several sources as to the reasons.

Here are  several disturbing points:

  • No surprise, most of these executives feel tentative about making social strategy a priority.
  • They are not overly optimistic about their current strategy.
  • It looks like small and medium sized firms have the advantage over larger ones.

It’s funny that that the marketing priorities for social – customer retention, customer acquisition and branding – are not foreign words to marketers, but somehow there is a disconnect when putting an integrated plan together that includes both traditional and social in the same plan.

I don’t get it. If they put together a traditional plan they way they do social, they probably wouldn’t have a job.

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