Two Ways You Can Get the Most Out of Your Blog Posts to B-to-B Marketers

by | Jun 25, 2009

blogpost1Beyond those who have signed up for your blog and those that reach you through organic searches, here are two ways I drive people to my blog.

1. Twitter. One of the applications, Tweetlater, allows you to pre-program when and what you want to tweet. I schedule tweets every hour during the business day and have got tremendous action. Twitter is by far my best source for page views.

2. LinkedIn Groups. One of the great advantages of LinkedIn, in my opinion, is that it’s more of a business site and you can join groups of like-minded folks. For example, I belong to the Industrial Marketing Mavens, E-Marketing Association and Sustainable Construction Groups. Each week I go up and post what I think is a relative subject to that audience under the news section. I get great feedback from them. I also use the group’s discussion option to get feedback on questions or issues.

We even put together a media schedule so we know what’s tweeting when and what posts were put onto LinkedIn. This gives us another way of monitoring what’s bringing  in the best results.

These are some ways I try to maximize my posts. I’d like to hear yours.



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