by Sonnhalter | Oct 4, 2017 | Tradesmen Insights
By Rachel Kerstetter, PR Architect, Sonnhalter
It’s that time of year again… the 2017 calendar is looking thin and we’ve turned our attention to next year. If you haven’t already started planning your marketing communications for 2018, now is the time.
To have a successful year, it’s important to do more than just set goals. You don’t just jump in the car to go to a new location for the first time, you look at how to get there, how long the trip will take or at least put the destination into your GPS. That’s planning.
Planning is crucial no matter the size of the organization or depth of the project. Whether you’re initiating a rebranding campaign or creating a 30-second video, you have to plan.
To map out your journey, you need to determine: (more…)
by Sonnhalter | Sep 27, 2017 | Tradesmen Insights
By Rachel Kerstetter, PR Architect, Sonnhalter
Last year, I wrote a blog about Generation Z being the true digital native generation and urged organizations to look ahead. Perhaps you heeded that urging and have been looking forward, perhaps you’re still trying to figure out the whole Millennial thing. By this point in time, the oldest Millennials are approaching 40. We’ve been working for/with you, buying from you or avoiding you for years now. Most of the business world seems to have made the jump into adapting to Millennial behaviors… even if some were pushed.
It’s time to move on. There’s a whole generation approaching adulthood – Generation Z. Generation Z is the next group that needs to be reached, specifically for attracting them to the trades. They will be your next audience, so it’s a good idea to start considering them in your communication efforts. You might be more prepared to handle GenZ than you think you are… (more…)
by Sonnhalter | Aug 1, 2017 | Events/Trade Shows, Tradesmen Insights
By Rachel Kerstetter, PR Architect, Sonnhalter
Today is August 1st, at Sonnhalter it’s basically a holiday because it’s the start of our annual tool drive to benefit Habitat for Humanity.
Habitat for Humanity does fantastic work building and rehabbing homes for those who need them in an effort to eliminate homelessness and substandard housing. I’m amazed year after year at the work this fantastic organization does and the support that we receive for this tool drive from our clients, vendors, partners, community and even strangers!
Our Tool Drive was born in 2010 (more…)
by Sonnhalter | Jul 19, 2017 | Public Relations, Public Relations, Tradesmen Insights
By Rachel Kerstetter, PR Architect, Sonnhalter
It feels good to win an award. But beyond being able to bask in the glow of recognition, can awards help you reach your marketing goals?
Entering for awards is one tactic we work into the public relations mix for our clients. Winning an award, or even being nominated for one, can go a long way to boosting brand recognition and can act as an endorsement for your product/service/organization.
5 Questions to Ask Before Entering
by Sonnhalter | Jun 20, 2017 | Marketing Tools
By Rachel Kerstetter, PR Architect, Sonnhalter
How many email accounts do you have?
I have three. I’m not unlike others in my generation (the Millennial Generation) who maintain multiple email accounts. Each email address has a specific purpose and is used strategically.
- Work. My work email address is just that, work. It’s the email that colleagues, clients, media and partners reach me on. I check this email religiously on my phone and have it open during the work day on my computer. I only give this email address out for professional purposes.
- Personal. This email address is the one I give to friends, family and anyone I do personal business with. I protect this email and am careful to whom I give the address. I check it most often on my phone and occasionally log into it from my personal laptop.
- Other. This “other” email address is the one that we’ll dig into today. Most millennials have one of these and many in other generations have also adopted an “Other” email policy. Sometimes we call it our “junk email” or “promotions.” I give this email address out like candy on Halloween. If you ask me for an email address, this is the one I give you. This is the inbox that I check, but don’t regularly search. I almost never send emails from this address and only check it from my phone. This is the inbox where I subscribe to e-newsletters and promotional offers.
I was reading an article from Media Post titled “Millennials Love Email, But on Their Dual Inbox Terms,” (more…)