by tradesmeninsights | Nov 4, 2022 | Manufacturing, Marketing Tools, Tradesmen Insights
by MAGNET (Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network)
MAGNET’s mission is to support, educate and champion manufacturing in Ohio with the goal of transforming the region’s economy into a powerful, global player. You can visit MAGNET online at
Maybe you already have and execute a marketing plan for your brand and products. Maybe you want to improve it. Maybe you have no marketing at all.
However mature your company’s marketing plan is, successful efforts will always stem from a strong foundation. Refresh your knowledge or kickstart your marketing with these helpful tips.
- Realize the importance of marketing and create a dedicated budget for it.
The same way you invest in people, capital equipment, new technology and building improvements, you need to invest in your brand. A good rule of thumb is to dedicate six percent of annual revenue to your marketing plan. Not only will your campaigns maintain a connection with current contacts, it will build new ones–generate leads.
If you aren’t sure how people can or are finding you, how your site ranks in a Google search or if you’re staying top of your customers’ minds with relevant, useful information (or doing any of these things intentionally), you’re likely falling behind to businesses that are. To the inverse, coordinated campaigns that focus on these goals are also ones you can measure and grow.
Marketing is oftentimes the first budget cut during an economic downturn, albeit counterintuitive because this is when you need to do MORE marketing. When recovery happens, everything will be ready and working for you. Did you know that it takes about six to nine months for Google to rank and index you for a search? Then, you need to maintain that, and if you don’t, your ranking dips quickly. Your marketer will be back to square one when the economy ticks back upward. The same way you don’t waste time on rework on your plant floor, don’t unnecessarily rework marketing. (more…)
by tradesmeninsights | Dec 22, 2009 | Marketing Tips, Social Marketing, Traditional Marketing
Social media is obviously the hottest topic in most marketing circles today. You have people on both sides of the fence (some who will never use it and some who say it’s the savior of marketing as we know it). Unfortunately, both of these opinions are wrong. Too much or too little of anything isn’t good.
For those who don’t embrace or understand social media, I’d recommend you get your head out of the sand. Social isn’t going away and you’re better off understanding it and begin using it sooner than later.
For those that do embrace it and think the world will revolve around it, you should wake up and smell the coffee. When in the history of marketing and advertising have we had only one media source to get our message out?
Here’s a reality check. What are we trying to do here? Unless you work for the Government, I believe we’re ultimately trying to sell something. Let’s face it, no sales, no job! As marketers today, we’re faced with so many challenges to identify potentials and move them along the sales cycle. We need all the help we can get and we should know and understand the tools that are available and use them appropriately.
I try to use this blog to inform my audience of Manufacturers who are trying to reach the professional tradesman that they should start using social as one more tool in their marketing plans. I certainly haven’t told them to blow away the traditional ways of reaching their audience like print ads, PR and trade shows. We all can’t lose site of what our ultimate goal is…to sell something. Social can help identify potentials, but there are other tools that can nurture them through the sales process and we need to use them all!
What are your feelings on social and how it plays a role in your plans?